Use SSH on Windows, they said…

4. Juli 2024 Evgenij 0

While preparing my talk for this year’s PSConfEU, I made a discovery that, while not being a major security disaster or anything like that, still surprised me a bit. Started as a skunkworks type side project at Microsoft, SSH wormed […]

My PSConfEU 2023 slides and demo code

23. Juni 2023 Evgenij 0

PSConfEU 2023 in the beautiful city of Prague has come to an end, and my session materials have been checked into the official conference repo for you to peruse at your convenience: This year I talked about my pet […]

PSConfEU findet 2021 nicht statt

10. März 2021 Evgenij 0

Traurige Nachrichten heute früh: Die PowerShell-Konferenz in Hannover findet dieses Jahr nicht statt. Auch nicht online. Voucher bleiben für das nächste Jahr gültig oder können erstattet werden. Dazu erfolgt eine separate Info im Mai. See you in 2022!

100 Days of LotD | Day 82: Community Rocks!

1. Januar 2021 Evgenij 0

You can find the „100 Days of LotD“ mission statement [ here ]. After officially giving up on my Linux laptop in regard to my specific use case yesterday, I promptly got this recommendation from Cláudio Rodrigues on Twitter. Truly, […]

100 Days of LotD | Day 35-42: A new hope?

22. November 2020 Evgenij 0

You can find the „100 Days of LotD“ mission statement [ here ]. I’m still battling the DisplayLink issue. At some point I noticed that the current Ubuntu vs. DisplayLink discussion has been revolving around the kernel update form 5.8 […]