100 Days of LotD | Day 5

You can find the „100 Days of LotD“ mission statement [ here ].

Today was an uneventful day. The WiFi network order I wrote about yesterday didn’t seem to stick but the laptop is connected to the USB dock so maybe it’s the wired connection from the dock getting in the way.

I wrote a letter, trolled the forums and Twitter a bit, checked on my WordPress sites, including this one, and replied to a couple of emails. The signature part of Thunderbird really sucks, I’m starting to remember why I switched back to Outlook. So if anyone knows an email client capable of handling an Outlook.com calendar and a bunch of IMAP accounts, please rescue me.

The attempt to quickly prepare an intro slide deck for the upcoming PSUGB meetup revealed the limits of SoftMaker’s font magic. As a PowerShell themed user group, we user „Lucida Sans Console“ as our default typeface, which, of course, is not available on Linux.

There were 3 small updates to the system:

None required a reboot.

Title image: Christo Ras from Pixabay

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