You can find the „100 Days of LotD“ mission statement [ here ].
All my attempts at stabilizing the DisplayLink setup were so far futile. I didn’t go ahead an patch the kernel which some of the blog posts are suggesting, for the simple reason that I wouldn’t know what I am doing and for fear of bricking the system altogether. I may resort to that later on in the experiment, in case there is no other resolution to the problem.
Tried another DisplayLink-based USB dock at a customer site yesterday (HP C/A Dock G2) but the video part didn’t get recognised at all.
There were 33 updates to the system (382 MB download volume), none of which was marked ‚Security‘ or required a reboot.
A new stable PowerShell version (7.1.1) was released on Thursday. It wasn’t among the updates found by Discover though, since the original version wasn’t installed from a repo either. The Ubuntu 20.04 package installed without issue, apart from a broken dependency which sudo apt –fix-broken install was able to resolve.
And while we’re at it, there was a Service Pack for the FreeOffice. However, the automatic update instructions given here did not lead to an update. I manually downloaded the update package (122 MB, not bad for a full office suite!), which installed without issue.
The system thus brought up to date on all fronts, there are articles to write, mails to reply to – and DisplayLink related forums to troll for further helpful advice as to Ubuntu 20.01.1 support.